This project was brought about under the Government’s National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011 – 2016 (NHSPWD). The project has two parts;
- the transfer of residents in HSE owned facilities to become tenants of HAIL and
- the transfer of the property ownership to HAIL who then upgraded the properties.
This project is an excellent example of how agencies can work together removing barriers to provide secure, comfortable homes to tenants to live independently. Support is provided to tenants by HAIL’s team of Mental Health Tenancy Sustainment Officers, funded by the HSE and DHLGH. The HSE and DHLGH jointly funded 7 new posts for HAIL providing mental health support services in an additional ten Local Authorities. The service is now provided across sixteen local authorities in thirteen counties.
Partners: HAIL, The Housing Agency, DHLGH, HSE and Local Authorities.