ICSH member approved housing bodies (AHBs) deliver housing locally and nationally and provide additional services that support individuals’ capacity to enjoy their right to full participation in the areas of education, health, employment, social integration and inclusion, housing rights and the environment. Our members have always known that good quality homes underpin the ability to enjoy life to the full.
In 2023, almost 12,000 social rented homes were delivered by local authorities and AHBs in 2023. This is the highest level of social housing output in almost 50 years and is a verypositive indicator of lessons learned, and a renewed commitment to growing and safeguarding the stock of affordable rental homes for households in Ireland through the 21st century and beyond.
The AHB sector delivered 5,638 social rented homes in 2023. In addition, 286 cost rental homes were completed by AHBs in 2023 of a total of 966.
Download the Housing Association Activity Report 2023