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Irish Council for Social Housing Pre-Budget Submission 2025

This pre-budget submission for the 2025 estimates will outline a series of recommendations that the ICSH believe are necessary to deliver more social and affordable homes and maintain existing social housing to an appropriate standard on a sustainable basis. To ensure our members can continue record housing delivery, the ICSH believe that a number of issues around funding and the maintenance of ageing housing stock, must be resolved to ensure existing stock remains appropriately maintained into perpetuity as well as freeing-up capacity for new delivery. The ICSH welcomes the establishment of the AHB Strategic Forum to set a vision for the sector over the next 10 years and to consider how to address a range of strategic long-term issues facing the sector to realise this vision. The Housing Commission Report – which has called for a political commitment to treat housing as critical social and economic infrastructure – includes very welcome recommendations regarding the sector, and its suggestions are reflected and endorsed in this submission.