Photo: Mr. Gene Clayton, ICSH President; Mr. Donal McManus, ICSH Executive Director and Minister Willie Penrose, T.D., Minister for Housing and Planning at the 2011 ICSH National Social Housing Conference.
The 2011 ICSH Biennial National Social Housing Conference took place the 28th and 29th of September 2011 in Galway with approximately 290 delegates in attendance.
Conference presentations can be downloaded below.
Wednesday, 28th September, 9.30am | ICSH President’s Address | Gene Clayton |
Ministerial Address | Minister Willie Penrose, T.D. | |
Wednesday, 28th September, 10am | Ireland’s housing system in OECD perspective | Christophe Andre, OECD |
Address to conference | Brendan McDonagh, National Asset Management Agency | |
Wednesday, 28th September, 11.30am | Use of Private Finance in Stock Transfer and Regeneration | David Williams, Circle Voluntary Housing Association |
Delivering New Solutions for Empty Properties | Brian O’Gorman, Clúid Housing Association | |
Wednesday, 28th September, 2pm | A Housing System for 2020 | Michael Layde, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government |
Address to conference | Tom Parlon, Construction Industry Federation | |
What kind of Housing System do we want by 2020 | Aoife Walsh, Respond! Housing Association | |
Parallel Session 1 | Choice Based Lettings | Hugh Hogan, South Dublin County Council |
Role of Elected Members and Housing Options | Cllr William Quinn, Carlow County Council | |
Succession Planning for Housing Associations | Frank Gunter, Inagh Housing Association | |
Parallel Session 2 | Making Housing More Sustainable | John Mark McCafferty, Society of St. Vincent de Paul |
Making Housing More Sustainable | Noel Rice, Northern Ireland Housing Executive | |
Making Housing More Sustainable | Brian Rankin, Oaklee Housing Association | |
Parallel Session 3 | Developing an inclusive housing system for people with disabilities | Pat Dolan, Health Service Executive |
Developing an inclusive housing system for people with disabilities | Pat O’Connor, Roscara Housing Association | |
Parallel Session 4 | Homelessness and Housing – Bridging the Gap | Dr. Ronni Greenwood, University of Limerick |
Homelessness and Housing – Bridging the Gap | Kerry Anthony, DePaul Ireland | |
Homelessness and Housing – Bridging the Gap | Dr. Maureen Crane and Dr. Louise Joly, Kings College London | |
Thursday, 29th September, 9.30am | Delivering Social Housing through the new C.A.L.F. Scheme | Bronagh D’Arcy, Túath Housing Association |
Developing the Regulatory Environment | Cian O’Lionáin, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government | |
Thursday, 29th September, 11.45am | Ageing and Housing | Prof. Eamon O’Shea, National University of Ireland, Galway |
Homecare Packages – Delivering Supportive Housing Options | Sr. Celestine Farrissey, Charleville Sheltered Housing Services | |
Models for addressing housing and care needs of older people | Ann Coyle, Health Service Executive |