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Introduction to Social Housing (Induction Seminars): The Social Housing Landscape, 17th January

We hosted the first of our ‘Introduction to Social Housing: Induction Information Sessions 2024’ in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin. Great attendance and enthusiastic discussions from staff of our diverse membership of AHBs (big and small) working across the country. ICSH members deliver housing and support services locally and nationally, which support individuals’ capacity to enjoy their right to full participation in the areas of education, health, employment, social integration and inclusion, housing rights and the environment.

This session introduced AHB and local authority staff attending to the structural and policy framework all housing providers work within. We introduced the key agencies involved in housing, simplified the vast array of acronyms and technical terms that are used when we talk about housing and we discussed how housing policy has evolved over the years bringing us to our current policy landscape.

There are four more information sessions (more information here: Each session is a half day in-person seminar. The fee for each session is €120 or you can sign up to all five for €550. Sign up through Jotform here.


ICSH Social Impact Challenge 2024

Rewarding social impact projects in housing and communities The social and sustainability impact of approved housing bodies and local authorities …