The ICSH Board Member Award was launched in 2007 in recognition of the outstanding voluntary work of our members on the governing bodies of housing associations throughout Ireland.

The winner of the 2007 Board Member Award, who received a cash prize of €500 and a heart shaped glass sculpture donated by Tunstall is Mrs Eileen Brophy from Carlow Voluntary Housing Association (Tinteán). Eileen was nominated by fellow directors Fr. Brendan Howard and Frank Comerford. Frank is pictured to the left accepting the award on behalf of Eileen from Kathleen McKillion, ICSH Head of Development (left) and Debra O’Neill, Sales and Marketing Director, Emergency Response Tunstall (right).
Eileen (pictured above right) was one of Tinteán’s original directors and a subscriber to the company formation. The concept of a local voluntary housing association in Carlow grew from a course in Community Development. On the course Eileen identified a number of needs in the Carlow area, and housing was prioritised.
A study group established itself, and with the assistance of the ICSH, Respond!, Carlow local authority officials, many others and plenty of hard work, Eileen and the rest of the board arrived at the stage of a limited company with the name Tinteán.
Eileen has held the position of chairperson for a long number of years & has been pivotal in the development of Tinteán, since its registration in 1993 – providing housing for the elderly, for tenants with special needs, for low income families and for single tenants.
There are significant other projects at various stages of planning and development in the pipeline.
Eileen’s position as Chairperson of Tinteán and Manager of the Delta Centre in Carlow put her in a unique position to foster a significant partnership between both organisations.
Her contribution to social housing, especially for tenants with special needs has never been formally acknowledged and this new ICSH Award is a fitting way to give formal recognition to her vision, determination, energy and drive.
There are approximately 2,500 voluntary board members in the voluntary housing sector and these members are the backbone of many organisations contributing their time, energy and talents to the provision of voluntary housing and additional support services within their communities.
The ICSH want to formally recognise the volunteers in our sector. On this basis we sought nominations for individuals who have worked tirelessly in their communities over and above the call of duty and who have made a difference to the lives of people in their area.
Board members have many responsibilities: legal requirements and administrative requirements, responsibilities under the new construction contracts as well as delivering a professional service to tenants, even though they are a voluntary management board. New skills are always required & the ICSH is here to help governing bodies build the capacity of its members.
We thank Tunstall, Emergency Response, for its generous sponsorship of the 2007 Board Member Award. Thanks to Jon Lowe, director for UK & Ireland and to Debra O’Neill, Sales & Marketing Director.
The ICSH also want to recognise the special contribution of the following people, short listed for a Board Member Special Commendation Award, all of whom have made an outstanding contribution to their housing association.
- Eamon Mc Hale, President & Director of the Catholic Housing Aid Society.
- Pauline O’Callaghan, Director of Charleville Sheltered Housing Services, Co Cork, nominated by Sr Celestine Farrissey, Care Co-ordinator.
- Jim Kelly, Chairman of Fold Housing Association Ireland, nominated by John Mc Lean, Chief Executive.
- Michael English, Chairperson of Kilteely/Dromkeen Housing Association, Co Limerick, nominated by Eileen Jones, Treasurer.
- Eamon Finn, Chair of Banner Housing Association, Co Clare, nominated by Aoibheann Lindsay, Housing Officer.
- Tony Gilmore, Chairperson of North & East Housing Association, nominated by Pat Lennon, Treasurer.

Pictured from left: Michael English, Kilteely/Dromkeen Housing Association; Tommy Sands, Fold Housing Association, Kathleen McKillion, ICSH Head of Development, Jon Lowe, Tunstall, Tony Gilmore, North and East Housing Association, Sr. Celestine Farrissey, Charleville Sheltered Housing Services, Frank Comerford, Carlow Voluntary Housing Association (Tinteán), Fred Stephens, ICSH President.