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ICSH Conference supported by AIB – Turning the Tide for Social Housing: Performance, Partnership & Delivery

The 2015 ICSH Biennial National Social Housing Conference, backed by AIB, took place in the Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on 16-17 September 2015.

The theme of the 2015 conference was ‘Turning the Tide for Social Housing – Performance, Partnership and Delivery’. This conference was set in the context of the implementation of the Government’s Social Housing Strategy (2015 – 2020) and the need to address the huge level of social housing need that currently exists in Ireland together with the real problems facing homeless households, particularly families who need a stable housing environment.

Conference publications can now be dowloaded:

All presentations from the conference can now be downloaded below:

Wednesday, 10am:

Breaking Down the Housing Policy Debate – Repositioning Social Housing

Dr. Lorcan Sirr
Bent Madsen

Wednesday, 11.30am

Social Housing Strategy Performance – One Year On – Focus on Next Phase

Bairbre Nic Aongusa

Wednesday, 2pm

A Fresh Commitment and Partnership to Supported Independent Living

Steve Shields
Eithne Fitzgerald
Martina Smith

Parallel Session 1


Dr. Shane Colclough
Alan McMahon
James Mewis

Parallel Session 2


Dr. Padraic Kenna
Tony O’Riordan
Juha Kaakinen
Parallel Session 3 Neil Bolton
Paul Isherwood
Elli McMahon
Parallel Session 4 Ian Williams
Sean Cremen
Gerry Hunt
Sophie Geraghty

Thursday, 9.30am

Felix McKenna presentation

Driving Housing Delivery Forward – Construction 2020: The Offer and The Ask

Felix McKenna
Daniel McLoughlin
Bronagh D’Arcy
Tiernan McCarthy

Thursday, 11.30am

Transforming Communities Through Regeneration, Stock Transfer and Partnership

Alex McGuire
Tina Donaghy
Ollie O’Loughlin