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ICSH COVID-19 Webinar Series for Housing Associations Members

The ICSH has been hosting a series of webinars for our member housing associations during the COVID-19 crisis to provide updates on the latest issues and developments impacting on our member organisations work.

Our first webinar (on 14th April) was about getting up-to-speed on Housing Issues and COVID-19. Our seminars have continued on a weekly basis (sometimes twice weekly) since April and we have had in excess of 600 participants. to date. Our webinars (past and future) include the following topics:

  • 14/4/2020 Housing Issues and COVID
  • 23/4/2020 Sheltered and Supported Housing
  • 30/4/2020 Homelessness
  • 07/5/2020 Housing for people with disabilities during Covid-19
  • 19/5/2020 Governance
  • 25/05/2020 Housing Management; Allocations, Insurance and More
  • 28/05/2020 OMCs and MUDs during Covid-19
  • 11/6/2020 Avoiding Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
  • 4/6/2020 CALF Webinar
  • 1/7/2020 Lone Working
  • 29/7/2020 Challenging Behaviour

Go to our training and events page for more information.