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Housing Association Social Housing Delivery 2016

Housing Associations (Approved Housing Bodies) have been working toward delivering an increased number of homes for people on social housing waiting lists in 2016. During 2016, housing associations provided homes for families on low incomes, homeless people, elderly and people with disabilities. the following is a summary of the homes delivered in 2016 by housing associations and the pipeline of delivery currently being progressed under Rebuilding Ireland. 
  • In 2016, housing associations delivered 1,021 homes – 274 homes (69 build, 205 acquisitions) under the Capital Assistance Scheme and 747 homes under the SHCEP. 
  • In addition from January-September 2016 there were 865 re-lets by housing associations to households on the social housing waiting list.
  • In addition the ICSH quarterly development survey of housing associations active in delivery showed there were 4,500 homes in the development pipeline for delivery over the coming years under Rebuilding Ireland. 
  • Housing associations now come under the remit of the Residential Tenancies Board and as part of the registration process 11,660 tenancies are registered with the RTB providing them with security of tenure and access to dispute resolution.
Homes under the Capital Assistance Scheme are generally aimed at homeless persons, elderly and people with disabilities and homes under the SHCEP scheme are low income families and individuals.