Representing 270 members providing social housing across the length and breadth of Ireland, the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) will meet with members from the West/North-West of the country in the McWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris, County Mayo on Wednesday 10th May. Local ICSH members including St Vincent De Paul, Tearmann Éanna Teoranta, Túath Housing Association, Mayo Living Housing Association, Aghamore Voluntary Housing Association, Ardara Sheltered Housing Association, Ballycastle Voluntary Housing Association and Lacken Housing Association will be there to discuss those issues of greatest importance to our membership. The ICSH is keen that our members have the supports they need to deliver on the very ambitious social housing programme in the Rebuilding Ireland action plan for housing and homelessness.
Donal McManus, Chief Executive said “Our regional meetings are important annual events aimed at our member organisations, local councillors and other stakeholders who have an interest in housing in their local area. Housing associations are ramping-up their capacity in order to deliver one-third of the Government’s social housing target of 47,000 homes.”
Commenting on the recent CSO housing figures, Dr McManus added “CSO housing data identified that, despite a 15% drop in the number of vacant dwellings since 2011, vacant housing remains a persistent issue. Against a national vacancy rate of 12.3%, the rate in Mayo is 23.4%, 27.4% in Donegal, 29% in Leitrim, 20.9% in Roscommon, 20.1% in Sligo and 17.2% in Galway County. A Key element of the Rebuilding Ireland housing action plan is the Repair and Leasing scheme, which is aimed at local authorities and housing associations bringing 3,500 vacant houses into social housing by 2021. This is where smaller housing associations with an intimate knowledge of their locality are well-placed to deliver, and the Irish Council for Social Housing, as a membership body, is here to support our members in achieving this”