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Independent Survey Shows High level of Satisfaction Amongst Housing Association Tenants

Today on European Neighbours’ Day 2017 (Friday 19th May 2017), the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) alongside tenants and staff of ICSH member organisations, Túath Housing, and HAIL launched the Tenant Experience Survey 2017.  Key findings of this, the most comprehensive housing association survey to date, confirm that eight out of ten housing association tenants are happy with the services they receive.
Dr. Donal McManus, Chief Executive said “The survey findings demonstrate the success of social housing delivered by housing associations, and represent an overwhelming endorsement of a sector that manages more than 30,000 social homes in Ireland. Recent local authority inspections of private rental found that 55% of inspected properties failed to meet rented housing standards, and a 2015 survey found that only 58% of local authority tenants were happy with their housing maintenance. It’s reassuring that more than 80% of our surveyed tenants are telling us they’re happy with the quality of their homes and the services housing associations provide”.
“The survey reflects our tenants need for secure, safe and affordable housing. These factors help ensure community cohesion, which is really the essence of the European Neighbours’ Day celebration. It also highlights the bricks and mortar concerns of good management and maintenance, and the findings confirm that this is where housing associations excel”, said Dr. McManus. 
Housing association tenants attending the launch had this to say:
” The estate I live in is managed by Túath Housing and the team are very professional with their approach to tenants, they are courteous and caring and they go the extra mile to ensure that we are all well looked after and if a problem arises it is dealt with quickly and efficiently. I feel very safe and happy where I live and this is entirely due to the excellent management skills of the Túath Cork team.”
James O O’Neill, Tramore, Waterford. Túath tenant
” Tuath have provided my wife and I with a beautiful affordable secure apartment. Our home meets our needs and is our pride and joy, with continued support and communication from both our housing officer and management team. I believe it will continue to be the best place to live in peace, with security of tenancy”. 
Neil and Mary Walsh, Knocknacarra, Galway. Túath tenants
“…my experience of living with HAIL has led me to where I am today, giving me the confidence to stand on my own two feet, become a better parent and has given me the ability to grow and learn in this journey we call life. The superiority of the accommodation, housing and support services provided by the housing association (HAIL) have contributed greatly to my quality of life.”
Miriam Breen, Blanchardstown, Dublin. HAIL Tenant
“I have been housed by Túath housing for almost 8 years now. I have never been so happy in accommodation as I am here, such a great place. We have a wonderful little community in here and exceptional neighbours. “ 
Nicola Mander, Cabra, Dublin. Tuath tenant
Staff performance in dealing with antisocial behavior, in particular, was rated very highly and the ICSH also noticed that estate management issues, such as the upkeep of common areas, proved as important for tenants as issues such as housing quality. Commenting on the Survey, Dr McManus added, “Findings like these help to reinforce our belief that a tenant-focused housing association scheme can quickly grow into a deeply-rooted community. Our members have proven their capacity to respond to tenants’ concerns. 
The ICSH survey has also revealed a worrying trend around heating affordability. Some one in three of all tenants who responded said that they found it difficult to heat their homes. Recent Central Statistics Office figures also document a worrying increase in the numbers of individuals who cannot keep their home adequately warm. Dr McManus said: “Fuel poverty is a recognised deprivation indicator, so this is an important consideration, and one that we’ll be taking back to our members as a key housing efficiency and sustainability issue”.  

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