The ICSH weclomes the Budget 2020 package, which includes the following meaures to deliver housing and combat homelessness
An overall package of €2.6 billion to support the social housing needs of over 27,500 households in 2020. This breaks down as follows:
Through the increased capital and current funding provision, 11,167 new social homes will be delivered through build, acquisition and leasing programmes. Capital funding of €1.5 billion has been allocated for housing in 2020, a large element of which will be used to deliver over 8,500 new social homes through build and acquisition programmes.
The current funding allocation of €1.1 billion will support a range of other programmes, and, in particular, the delivery of 2,631 social homes through longterm leasing by local authorities and approved housing bodies (AHBs).
Key elements of the housing capital programme in 2020 include the following:
- €126 million for the Serviced Sites Fund to provide infrastructure to support the delivery of homes to purchase or rent at discounted prices, with 6,200 homes in total to be delivered over the life of the Fund;
- €60 million is allocated to the Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund (LIHAF), providing continued support for a programme of infrastructure projects that will support the delivery of almost 20,000 new homes, of which over half will be either social/affordable or sold at prices at a discount from market price;
- An allocation of €72 million is provided for the National Regeneration Programme which will benefit some of the most economically disadvantaged communities €14.5 milion for the delivery of Traveller specific accommodation and €59 million to deliver up to 12,000 grants to adapt the homes of older people and people with a disability;
- €40 million has been provided to support the remediation of homes affected by pyrite under the Pyrite Remediation Scheme and also to support a new grant scheme for homes in Donegal and Mayo affected by defective concrete blocks; and
- €25m is provided to support and improve the energy efficiency of a further 1,000 social housing homes and an additional €20 million is being provided, from the proceeds of the Carbon Tax, to commence a programme of deep retrofitting social housing homes in the midlands.
Key elements of the current-funded housing programme 2020 include the following:
- Additional funding of €20 million will be made available for the delivery of homeless services, bringing the total provision in 2020 to €166 million. This increased funding will ensure that the continuing demand for homeless services is met, including improved emergency accommodation and measures to support homeless households to move into homes;
- To support agencies undertaking essential work in the housing area and reflecting increasing roles and functions, in 2020 the Housing Agency will receive funding of €10.5 million (+€0.5m) and the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) will receive an increased provision of €9 million (+€2m);
- Additional funding of €36 million under the Social Housing Current Expenditure Programme (SHCEP), giving a total provision of €191 million, will support the delivery of almost 5,950 additional social housing homes in 2020, as well as continuing to support the almost 16,000 leased homes already in place;
- An allocation of €503 million (+€80m) for the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) will enable 15,750 new households to be accommodated in 2020, as well as continuing to support the 53,000 households already in tenancies at end 2019;
- Funding of €133 million will allow for a further 600 new households to be supported under RAS in 2020, along with the ongoing cost of supporting over 18,100 households already in the scheme.