Dundoogan, Haynestown is a planned 1100 home development, 112 of which Tuath are acquiring for social housing in collaboration with the Department of Housing, Louth County Council and developer, Cannon Kirk Ltd. The first phase of 26 homes are due to be handed over this month with the remaining 86 homes ready for occupation by early 2020.
The total cost of the 112 social homes is circa €27 million, which, when completed, will consist of 40 two bed houses, 66 three bed houses and 6 four bed houses. All tenants to be housed are from Louth County Council’s housing list. The legal, financial and management framework for Dundoogan was agreed between Louth County Council, Túath and Cannon Kirk Ltd. Tuath’s purchase is being funded by a combination of CALF (Capital Advanced Leasing Facility) from the Department of Housing and competitive loan finance on a fixed term of 25 years from the Housing Finance Agency / European Investment Bank.
Speaking at the launch, Tùath Housing’s Chairman, Eamon Gavigan explains:“Dundoogan, is an excellent example of collaboration in action and it is testament to government and stakeholder commitment to Re-Building Ireland for the benefit of local communities. Cannon Kirk commenced on site in September 2018 and have worked closely and speedily with Túath to ensure delivery of high quality homes in a timely manner. Housing is as important a piece of infrastructure as our roads, railways, schools and hospitals. Meeting the housing needs of citizens is a massive challenge requiring joined up thinking and collaboration. Túath will not be found wanting and intend to play our part to deliver more social homes in the years ahead via partnerships with the private and public sectors. It is essential that ordinary people, the elderly and those with special needs who can no longer afford to buy or rent in the open market are given hope that they will be able to secure a place they really can call home.”
Michael Cannon, Director of the Cannon Kirk Group, said that the company was delighted to be working in partnership with Túath Housing and Louth County Council: “This project is an example of what can be achieved from a proactive partnership between developers, local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies. Together we look forward to delivering much needed quality housing in Dundalk. We hope that all the families who make homes in this development will enjoy many wonderful years here. I would like to acknowledge the support of the many other stakeholders in a project such as this, including the local community, government, our development team and our funders (Ulster Bank and Oaktree Capital Management). Partnerships such as this will play an important role in delivering more housing and we look forward to further collaborations in the future.
Joan Martin, CE of Louth County Council who was also in attendance noted that “Louth County Council are delighted that this project has progressed to the point where in conjunction with Tuath we are now in a position to see these houses being allocated to applicants who have been on the Louth Housing waiting list for a significant number of years. This is one of the initiatives which Louth County Council have undertaken to deliver homes. The Council are delighted with the partnership that we have the Tuath and with other Approved Housing Bodes. This, together with our acquisition and leasing programme and our actions on vacant homes makes us confident that we will meet our 2019 target to provide new homes.’’