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Child Protection, Children First workshops – March 31st and April 1st

*These dates are postponed due to the Covid-19 restrictions but we look forward to delivering them soon once current restrictions have been lifted.*

The ICSH, in partnership with Barnardos, one of Ireland’s leading children’s charities, is holding a training workshop which will equip housing practitioners with knowledge and skills regarding their responsibilities and obligations in relation to child protection, taking into account relevant legislation and codes of best practice. The training will be delivered by a specialist trainer from Barnardos.
Children First 2017 states clearly that child protection is everyone’s responsibility.  This training is suitable for anyone working directly with children and young people and will take into account the particular training needs of housing professionals who may not work with children day-to-day but work with families and, as such, have a child protection role.
This aim of this training is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge that are necessary to deal with child protection issues in line with Children First 2017 guidelines, Children First Act 2015 and the Child Care Act 1991.
The course will involve presentation, case studies and group exercises. It will take place in the ICSH boardroom, First Floor, 50 Merrion Square East, Dublin 2 from 10am to 4.30pm. The training is a one-day event and fee is €95 per person and includes all training materials, refreshments and lunch.
Participants can avail of Barnardos Protecting Children, A Child Protection Guide for Early Years and School Age Childcare Services (4th Ed) resource and will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
On completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise their legal responsibilities in relation to Child Protection
  • Explain the definitions of abuse
  • Identify the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
  • Describe how to respond to a disclosure
  • Identify the main elements of the:

    • Child protection & welfare report form
    • Retrospective abuse report form

Places on this training workshop are limited, so contact Catherine McGillycuddy on 01 6618334 or to book your place.