On Friday 27th June, the Government agreed to make an Order to extend the emergency period to 20th July 2020. The measures were initially introduced under the Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (Covid-19) Act 2020, which was enacted on 27 March 2020. It had been due to end on 27 June, however in the interests of public health, the Government has decided to extend these protections. The full detail of Phase 3 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business can be found at: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/c36c85-covid-19-coronavirus/
Official Information Sources on COVID-19
Other: Volunteering, Mental Health, Data Protection
Please find below a list of resources from Government, state agencies and other organisations of interest to ICSH members, that are providing information and guidance notification on Covid-19.
Official Social Media Sources
Please follow the following official handles on Twitter for COVID-19 related information.
- @HSELive
- @hpscireland
- @roinnslainte
- @CMOireland
General Information
Health Service Executive (HSE) Covid-19: Information Sheet
Download the HSE information sheet here Coronavirus COVID-19: The Facts

Health Service Executive (HSE) Covid-19: General Advice
The latest Covid-19 information from the HSE is available here. https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/.
The HSE has made a free smartphone app available that helps improve contact tracing for COVID-19. Click here for more information on the COVID-19 Tracker app https://covidtracker.gov.ie/
Irish Government Covid-19: Measures in Response to COVID-19
The general public is being asked to follow this advice and keep informed of the ongoing outbreak. The advice includes information and guidance in relation to social distancing, vulnerable groups, visiting hospitals, nursing homes and long stay settings and advice for employers and employees. Details of these updated measures can be found here. https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/c36c85-covid-19-coronavirus/
The Government announced the ‘Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business’on 1st May. The roadmap is sets out a five-phase plan for lifiting restrictions, which started on 18th May. Ireland is now in Phase 3 of the Roadmap for reopening society and business. You can read about the Roadmap here.
At-Risk Groups
HSE & Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) COVID-19: Guidance for Vulnerable At-Risk Groups & Settings
General guidance is available here https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/at-risk-groups.html
The HSE has issued updated advice on cocooning (29th June 2020). Click here to access this information. Detailed HPSC guidance is also available here (dated 26th June 2020)
This guidance document gives general advice about preventing the spread of COVID-19 in settings for vulnerable groups, such as individuals who are Homeless, Travellers, refugees/asylum seekers and others. The measures outlined are mainly focused on congregate settings or facilities managed by staff and can be applied in direct provision centres, hostels, hubs or residential settings including those without clinic or in-house nursing, medical or healthcare support. Click here to download the guidance document. (dated 15th April 2020).
Interim Public Health and Infection Prevention Control Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 Cases and Outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities and Similar Units (dated 19th June 2020). This document provides guidance and information on the public health management and infection prevention and control measures, to inform and advise local planning and management in community residential facilities. The guidance has been updated from the previous version to reflect the growing experience with COVID-19 in recent weeks and the need to adapt certain control measures that will be required for some time to take account of the needs of residents,in particular related to transfers of care.
HSE Guidance and Resources for Disability Services
All HSE Guidance and Resources for Disability Services are available on https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/news/newsfeatures/covid19-updates/partner-resources/.
In relation the residential services, the following documents are particularly relevant: Guidance for COVID-19 in Social Care Group Homes and Residential Services – Disabilities (dated 15th May 2020); and COVID-19 Guidance for Nurse-Led Residential Disability Services (dated 15th May 2020).
Homeless Services COVID-19
This guidance document gives general advice about preventing the spread of COVID-19 in settings for vulnerable groups, such as Homeless, Travellers, refugees/asylum seekers and others. The measures outlined are mainly focused on congregate settings or facilities managed by staff and can be applied in direct provision centres, hostels, hubs or residential settings including those without clinic or in-house nursing, medical or healthcare support. Click here to download the guidance document. (dated 15th April 2020).
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive has advised that individuals engaging with homeless services do not present in person to their local authority or to Parkgate Hall. service users are advised to make contact by phone, post or email. Click here for details.
Testing on any suspected cases is arranged via GPs or Safetynet.Safetynet Primary Care is a registered charity funded by the HSE, it offers a comprehensive primary health care service targeted at people who are experiencing homelessness in Dublin. Due to the increased volume of phone and email queries about Coronavirus testing in light of broadening of testing criteria announced by the HSE, Saefteynet are asking symptomatic patients to fill out the following questionnaire to help them make assessments more efficiently. https://screeningform.com/safetynet-homeless
This is a useful document to help Housing Services develop their tenancy support services during during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Telephone Support during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A guidance document for the Irish Housing First Platform
At-risk Groups Covid-19: Information Providers
ALONE, in collaboration with the Department of Health and the HSE, have launched a COVID-19 support line for older people. The National Public Health Emergency has established a Vulnerable People Subgroug and as a member organisation of the National Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Subgroup for Vulnerable People, ALONE is working in collaboration with the Department of Health and the HSE on a coordinated national response to support older people who have concerns, may be at risk or who have contracted COVID-19. Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 (8am-8pm) if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person you know. Further information can be found on www.alone.ie.
At-risk Groups Covid-19: Information from SeniorLine: SeniorLine provides a Freefone service every day of the year 10am-10pm, including all public holidays. Callers concerned about coronavirus will get the most up-to-date guidance recommended by Government sources. You can contact Senior Line on 1800 80 45 91
At-risk Groups Covid-19: Information from The Alzheimer Society:The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is providing advice during the coronavirus pandemic. While the group does not offer personalised medical advice, their service can direct you towards reliable sources of information. You can contact the Alzheimer National Helpline team on 1800 341 341, by email at helpline@alzheimer.ie or via Live Chat at alzheimer.ie
At-risk Groups Covid-19: Information from Age Action:The Age Action Information Service also provides a service for older people to ensure that they can access accurate and timely information about the virus. The service is available Monday to Friday 9.30am—5pm on 01 4756989.
Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) Covid-19: Advice to Member Nursing Homes
Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) is the national representative body for the private and voluntary nursing home sector. The NHI is providing COVID-19 advice to member nursing homes here. https://nhi.ie/covid-19-guidance/
Nursing Home ireland also provides a very useful list of HSE contacts for accessing PPE equipment here https://nhi.ie/covid-19-guidance/
Healthcare Workers
Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) Covid-19: Advice and Guidance for Healthcare Workers
The HPSC provides advice and guidance for healthcare workers. https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/guidanceforhealthcareworkers/
HSE & HPSC Covid-19: Current recommendations for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19
Click here to read the HPSC Acute Hospital Infection Prevention and Control Precautions for Possible or Confirmed COVID-19 in a Pandemic Setting guidance (dated 30th May 2020)
The HSE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidance will be monitored and may change as the coronavirus outbreak evolves. https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/infectionpreventionandcontrolguidance/ppe//infectionpreventionandcontrolguidance/ppe/.
HSE Guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Disability Services
As part of their contingency planning for COVID-19, organisations should proactively conduct risk assessments with staff around assessment and planning for the amountof PPE it may need and ensure that there is a robust process for ordering, distribution, storing, etc. and a process for accessing emergency supplies, if required. Those in a management/governance positionin the organisation, in consultation with staff should be planning, sourcing, and advocating through the relevant routes for sufficient stocks of PPE in line with service user and organisational needs. Click here for Guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)in Disability Services.(dated 15th May 2020).
All HSE Guidance and Resources for Disability Services are available on https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/news/newsfeatures/covid19-updates/partner-resources/
Nursing Home ireland also provides a very useful list of HSE contacts for accessing PPE equipment here https://nhi.ie/covid-19-guidance/
Employers and Employees
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection Covid-19: Guidance Notice for Employers and Employees
The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection introduced measures to provide income support to people affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). For more information, click here. https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/4cf0e2-covid-19-coronavirus-information-for-employers-and-employees-test/
Business Continuity
Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation Covid-19: Business Continuity Planning – Checklist of Preparatory Actions
Government supports for COVID-19 impacted businesses. There is a wide range of financial supports and guidance available to help businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Click here for more information https://dbei.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Supports-for-SMEs/COVID-19-supports/
The Return to Work Safely Protocol is designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace (dated 8th May 2020). Click here to download the protocol.
Office of Government Procurement Covid-19: Note on Procurement and Contractual Matters Associated with the Covid-19 Response Measures
The purpose of this note is to provide guidance to Contracting Authorities who:
- are required to procure emergency professional services or works as a result of the Covid-19 response measures; or
- are currently a party to a public works contract or conditions of engagement or both;
It is recognised that the Covid-19 response measures announced up to the date of this note are likely to impact both on operations on construction sites and the delivery of aspects of a design team’s services. In these challenging times it is imperative that parties to contracts work together to ensure that the project can be delivered safely. This note sets out measures to assist parties to the contract to take the necessary steps to meet this objective. https://constructionprocurement.gov.ie/19-march-2020-note-on-procurement-and-contractual-matters-associated-with-the-covid-19-response-measures/
Housing Agency Covid-19: 10 Tips for Owners’ Management Companies During Covid-19
The Housing Agency has prepared some tips for directors of residential owners’ management companies to consider during the COVID-19 period. Click here to download the publication https://www.housingagency.ie/sites/default/files/Covid-19/10-Tips-OMCs.pdf
Public Interest Law Alliance COVID-19: FAQs FOR NGOs
The Public Interest law Alliance (PILA) has compiled some resources to help NGOs navigate some of the key legal issues that may arise in the coming days, weeks and months and to signpost to where legal help and support will be available. The six identified areas are: employment law, corporate governance, contracts, data protection, insurance and increasing complexity of client concerns. You can download the PILA FAQs for NGOs document here.
Other: Volunteering, Mental Health, Data Protection
Volunteering Covid-19: Volunteering or recruiting Volunteers to Support the response to Covid-19
Volunteer Ireland are prioritising the recruitment, support and promotion of volunteer roles related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response and are providing practical advice and guidance to organisations and members of the public wishing to volunteer Click here for more information: https://www.volunteer.ie/about-us/covid-19/
ALONE is also enabling individuals to register online to volunteer their time. You can register here. https://www.tfaforms.com/4715929
HSE Mental Health COVID-19: Guidance on Minding your Mental Health
Infectious disease outbreaks like coronavirus (COVID-19), can be worrying. This can affect your mental health. But there are many things you can do to mind your mental health during times like this. Click here for advice and information https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/minding-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak.html
Data Protection Commissioner Covid-19: Data Protection and COVID-19
Governments, as well as public, private, and voluntary organisations are taking necessary steps to contain the spread and mitigate the effects of COVID-19, widely referred to as the ‘coronavirus’. Many of these steps will involve the processing of personal data (such as name, address, workplace, travel details) of individuals, including in many cases sensitive, ‘special category’ personal data (such as data relating to health). Data protection law does not stand in the way of the provision of healthcare and the management of public health issues; nevertheless there are important considerations which should be taken into account when handling personal data in these contexts, particularly health and other sensitive data. Click here for more information https://dataprotection.ie/en/news-media/blogs/data-protection-and-covid-19