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HAIL Celebrate 30th Anniversary

L-R: Patricia Cleary, CEO HAIL , Theresa Gallagher, HAIL Tenant, Lord Mayor Críona Ní Dhálaigh and Éanna McHugh, HAIL Chairperson

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, was joined by the High Hopes choir at a special event in the Woodquay Venue in Dublin city centre to mark the Housing Association for Integrated Living’s (HAIL) 30th year providing quality housing and support to people with mental health difficulties.

HAIL was founded in 1985 to address the housing needs of people with experiences of enduring mental health difficulties. HAIL has since developed from a small- scale voluntary organisation into a highly skilled and specialist housing association providing exceptional quality housing and support services to tenants.

With almost a 90% increase in the number of people sleeping rough in Dublin city over the past three years, and with one in four adults living with mental health difficulties, the need for housing with supports has never been greater, particularly for those with enduring mental health illnesses.

Speaking at the event, Ardmhéara Críona Ní Dhálaigh said;

“People with experience of mental illness need appropriate and timely mental health supports, quality housing and community facilities in a supportive neighbourhood.  Unfortunately these supports are not consistently available when most needed. Approved Housing Bodies, such as HAIL, are seen as a major part of the housing solution for the future, especially for seriously socially excluded groups of people.  Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.” 

Theresa Gallagher, who was one of the first HAIL tenant’s spoke at the celebration. She described her happy years living in HAIL accommodation and the value of the support that she received throughout her tenancy. She poignantly remarked;

“I have not been back in hospital since I moved into HAIL, in over 20 years”.

Theresa was recently supported by HAIL to move on into older person’s accommodation and is offered continuing support from HAIL in her new home.

As an Approved Housing Body, HAIL’s particular mission is to provide long term independent living accommodation with support to those who have severe and enduring mental health issues. Local Authorities in particular are an essential partner in this. Since it’s inception in 1985, HAIL have a history of working in partnership with Local Authorities, the HSE and other Voluntary bodies. Partnership working is a feature of the many collaborative undertakings HAIL share for the ultimate benefit of those with specific housing and support needs.

HAIL, in partnership with the Dublin Region Homeless Executive, also delivers homeless prevention and tenancy sustainment services to clients living in other forms of tenure, including private rented, local authority and other housing associations. Furthermore, in collaboration with HSE Mental Health Rehabilitation teams, HAIL sources accommodation and supports the settlement and tenancy sustainment of individuals moving from HSE congregated homeless hostel settings into independent, secure accommodation in the community with appropriate supports in place.

HAIL Chairperson, Mr Éanna McHugh, stated that;

“Housing is not only the solution to homelessness but is also critical to a person’s health and wellbeing. The homeless crisis is well documented, though the part of mental illness plays in creating and embedding homelessness is less so. HAIL has a critical role, with many others to find solutions to the crisis. Our immediate challenge is find a voice for those in homelessness, whose situation is made all the worse by manifestations of being unwell. This we can only do in collaboration and partnership with others.”

L-R: Theresa Gallagher, HAIL Tenant, Éanna McHugh, HAIL Chairperson and Lord Mayor Críona Ní Dhálaigh


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