The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, and Alan Kelly, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, officially declared open the Coultry Housing Development in Ballymun on the 15th July. The 25 new housing units are managed by HAIL on behalf of Dublin City Council.
Coultry forms part of the 1997 Masterplan for Ballymun approved by the government in 1998 and implemented in phased stages by Ballymun Regeneration Ltd (BRL). Coultry is the final housing scheme commissioned by BRL. Due to HAIL’s excellent reputation of managing their own development in Woodhazel directly across from Coultry and together with their expertise and local knowledge of the services in the area, HAIL was identified by Dublin City Council to manage 25 units of accommodation in Coultry, Ballymun.
At the opening Ardmhéara Ní Dhálaigh stated “People with experience of mental illness need appropriate and timely mental health supports, quality housing and community facilities in a supportive neighbourhood. Unfortunately these supports are not consistently available when most needed. In Ballymun, HAIL and Dublin City Council made it happen. This collaborative project is an example of what can be delivered”.
Speaking at the launch, Minister Kelly said “Coultry is the final housing scheme commissioned by Ballymun Regeneration Ltd. Funding of over €5m for this scheme was provided from my Department’s national regeneration programme. It is an excellent example of good quality, sustainable and integrated housing, managed by HAIL in partnership with Dublin City Council. This development embodies the spirit of what we understand to be a sustainable community.”
HAIL has been in existence for 30 years. During that time HAIL has developed into an organisation with a reputation for high quality governance, high quality housing and high quality support to its tenants and clients, primarily those with mental health difficulties.
Patricia Cleary, CEO of HAIL stated that; “Approved Housing Bodies are seen as a major part of the Housing solution for the future especially for seriously socially excluded groups of people. This has been a good example of the excellent collaboration and support between DCC, BRL, HAIL, community Mental Health and Rehabilitation Services and, Local Welfare services and Community Agencies.”
HAIL is an active participant in the Homeless Network and in partnership with the Dublin Region Homeless Executive delivers homeless prevention and tenancy sustainment measures to tenants and those in other forms of tenure. In collaboration with HSE Mental Health Rehabilitation teams, HAIL sources accommodation and supports the settlement and tenancy sustainment of individuals moving from HSE mental health hostels into ordinary housing in ordinary communities.
HAIL currently has over 270 tenancies in more than 250 properties in the greater Dublin area, ranging in size from single accommodation units to large scale, purpose built mixed housing developments.