We held our AGM 2019 on the Ashling Hotel Dublin on 19th June. Damien English TD, Minister for Housing and Urban Development launched our Annual Report 2019 and spoke about the ciritical role for housing associations in delivering on the 50,000 social homes committeed to in Rebuilding Ireland. In particular, he stressed the ned for the ICSH and our member orgqanisaiton communicate to communities, local auhtorities and councillors throught the country that we are making an impact and playing a ciritical role in alleviating the housing crisis.
Read the ICSH Annual Report 2018

ICSH members were well represented at the AGM 2019, at which the audited accounts for the year were presented and the work of the various housing policy working groups were discussed. Questions from the floor to Minister English and ICSH representatives included issues around delivery of appropriate housing for people with disabilities, the homelessness helpline, delivery of cost rentall housing and the administrative issues for housing assoications in the new Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019.

Damien English TD, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, who launched our Annual Report 2019 algonside ICSH President, Pat Doyle