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Introduction to Social Housing: Induction Information Sessions 2024

Register now for our Introduction to Social Housing Information sessions taking place in the Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8 from January to May 2024. The social housing sector has expanded hugely in recent years and with social housing delivery targets and the housing policy framework indicating the sector will continue to grow and evolve, the sector has welcomed many new recruits recently.

These information sessions are aimed at people new to working in housing either in an AHB or in a local authority. They will give a broad overview of the entire social housing landscape, covering the fundamentals of the housing policy landscape, how housing law is applied through housing management, finance options, regulatory requirements and key considerations for delivering and managing supported housing.

The Social Housing Landscape: January 17th

This session will introduce you to the structural and policy framework all housing providers work within. We will introduce the key agencies involved in housing, simplify the vast array of acronyms and technical terms that are used when we talk about housing and discuss how housing policy has evolved over the years bringing us to our current policy landscape.

Housing Management and the Application of Housing Law: February 28th

This session will introduce the key legislation affecting housing practitioners and will look in detail at how it is applied in an approachable and practical way.  This session will outline the legislative basis for many elements of social housing practice and illustrate the ways in which housing legislation impacts on practice from rent arrears warning letters to RTB adjudications, the law determining how social housing assessments are carried out to how we define homelessness. The impact of housing law is immeasurable and this session aims to clarify and simplify the most relevant and important aspects of it for housing practitioners.

Housing Development and Finance Fundamentals: March 20th

Our third session will focus on key elements of housing finance and how that impacts housing development. Funding mechanisms such as CAS, CALF, CREL, SHIP and more will be examined, looking at key features of each funding model, how they are used for different types of housing and the impact they have had on delivery.

Governance and Regulation: April 17th

The governance and regulatory landscape for social and affordable housing providers has changed rapidly in recent years. This session will examine the current regulatory framework that approved housing bodies and local authorities operate within as well as considering the reporting requirements that are in place and how that impacts on practice.

Supported Housing: May 30th

This final session in this programme will look at key considerations for supported housing including housing for disabled people, older persons, formerly homeless people, Travellers or families fleeing domestic violence. The policy, legislative and practical considerations of providing high quality housing to a diverse range of people with additional support needs will be examined.

Each session will be a half day in-person seminar. The fee for each session is €120 or you can sign up to all five for €550. Sign up through Jotform here.

For any queries on these information sessions, contact