The Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) and our member approved housing bodies (AHBs) are firmly opposed to the anti-migrant demonstrations taking place across Ireland. Our commitment is to ensure the right to adequate housing is universal. We are concerned about the divisive nature of these protests, which are creating fear and mistrust towards people seeking refuge and safety in Ireland.
Ireland is in the midst of a housing crisis that is not the making of migrants and refugees. We recognise that an inclusive response is required to develop solutions for the housing needs of both existing and new communities in Ireland. Underpinning our member AHBs’ excellent track record of housing management practice is a commitment to equality and recognition of Ireland’s cultural and ethnic diversity. Promoting good communication and engagement with and between tenants is key to the integration of new communities. Approved housing bodies and our tenants do this well. The ICSH and our member AHBs will continue to support the needs of low-income and vulnerable households, through the provision of public housing and the accompanying supports that enable new and established communities to grow and thrive. A number of AHBs have also played a key role in the roll-out of the new cost rental programme for those on moderate incomes, which are supporting the development of mixed tenure communities. These collective efforts have and will play a key role in responding to the housing challenges we are facing.