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ICSH AIB Biennial National Social Housing Conference 22-24 September 2021 Speaker Presentations

The ICSH Biennial National Social Housing Conference, sponsored by AIB, took place between 22-24 September 2021 with 700 delegates over the three days.

This year’s Biennial Conference focussed on delivering the new Government ‘Housing for All’ Plan and served as a vital platform for new thinking and delivery ideas in the housing sector. The conference brought together leaders and innovators from the public, private and non-profit sectors with speakers and contributors from around Ireland, Europe, USA and Asia to share relevant learning and experience from their respective sectors. Below are some of the presentations from our event.

Conference 2021 Presentations

Housing for All: The Road Ahead

The Outlook for the Irish Housing Market

Public Housing – Scale, Delivery & Targets

Regulation, Sustainability & Growth

Affordability Options for All

Planning and Delivering Sustainable Neighbourhoods

Innovation in Housing

Innovation in Addressing Special Housing Needs

Future Proofing Our Housing System