Social Housing 2019 – Innovation, Delivery & Sustainability
The 2019 ICSH National Social Housing Conference was held from October 10-11th in Wexford, yet again bringing together key players in the housing sector from approved housing bodies, local authorities, statutory bodies, government departments, private bodies, the health services and the wider voluntary sector. Almost 350 delegates attended the two day event which explored initiatives on the themes of innovation, delivery and sustainability that have been successful, how they can be replicated and mainstreamed as well as other measures and solutions that are needed to increase delivery and services to tenants. Speakers from Ireland, the EU and the US assisted in learning what we can use in our own organisations, from the public, non-profit or private sector.
Theh full conference brochure is available here: Social Housing 2019 – Innovation, Delivery & Sustainability and conference presentations can be downloaded below:
Oct 10th 10-11.15am Innovation & Affordability in Housing | |
Oct 10th 11.45am – 1pm New Housing Landscapes |
Chrystal Kornegay, MassHousing, Boston |
Oct 10th 2-3.15pm Sustainability in Housing |
Pat Barry, Irish Green Building Council |
Oct 10th 3.45-5pm Parallel Session 1: Innovating for Better Housing Management |
John Hannigan, Circle Voluntary Housing Association |
Oct 10th 3.45-5pm Parallel Session 2: A Housing First Approach to Homelessness | |
Oct 10th 3.45-5pm Parallel 3: Sustaining AHBs into the Future – Strategy and Managing Risk |
Susanna Lyons, Housing Agency Regulation Office Rory Guinness, The Iveagh Trust |
Oct 10th 3.45-5pm Parallel 4: Homes for Life | |
Oct 11th 9.30-11am Strategic Direction for the Rental Sector |
Paul Lemass, Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government Rosalind Carroll, Residential Tenancies Board Dr. Rory Hearne, Maynooth University |
Oct 11th 11.30am – 1pm Regeneration, Revitalisation & Building Neighbourhoods |
Egbert de Vries, Amsterdam Federation of Social Housing Associations John Coleman, Land Development Agency Vincent Keenan / Brendan McGinley, North & East Housing Associations Conn Murray, Former CEO of Limerick City & County Council |

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ICSH never share personal data without your consent. If you register for the Conference, your name and organisation will be listed on our delegate list to be included in the delegate packs. This list is circulated to delegates and speakers at the Conference only and not shared with third parties before or after the event. If you would prefer your details not to be included in this list, please contact
Parallel 4: Homes for Life |