The annual ICSH Tier One Seminar, an event specifically aimed at board members and employees of smaller associations, took place on Thursday September 29th in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin 8. This followed on from last year’s successful seminar and featured presentations from expert speakers on topical issues such as financial governance and best practice for smaller charities, asset management and governance in the context of the Voluntary Regulation Code.
Our CEO, Donal McManus, opened the seminar stating that the government’s expectation for the sector was to deliver one third of the 47,000 social housing units committed to in Rebuilding Ireland over the next six years. He said it was a big ask, but 2,000 units from Tier 1 housing associations would be a massive contribution to this. Tony Quinn, Financial Director at The Wheel then offered a lively presentation on the ongoing challenges for voluntary boards. The seminar concluded with a presentation on stock condition surveys and the Warmer Homes Scheme and also a well received presentation by Justin Moran of Mazars on Governenace in the context of the Voluntary Regulation Code. Many useful issue and queries were raised throughout the day which the ICSH will endeavour to follow-up on for members.
Pleaes find presentations form the seminar at the links below:
Financial governance – Tony Quinn