Housing Law and Policy is an online module offered by the School of Law at the University of Limerick and Community Law & Mediation. Now in its third year, this collaboration between the University and CLM marries together the academic and practitioner areas of housing law, and provides participants with an understanding of the legal and policy issues surrounding housing law – an area of law attracting increasing attention and controversy at both a national and international level. In addition to affording participants with a broad understanding of the various sources of housing law in Ireland, the module will examine the provision of housing and the different types of housing supports available, and will consider the implications at a policy level of housing and homelessness.
This course is open to anyone with an interest in housing law but is aimed at people working in this area. In previous years participants included those working in local authorities, community and voluntary organisations, and in the legal industry. The course will commence in September 2019 and run for 12 weeks. To apply see https://www.ul.ie/cpe/node/1871